I have decided that I need to take a little bit of down time, so I am focusing on my Facebook page for now Pour Me A Cup Of Ambition. I will be back once I get the rest of my ducks in a row. The best idea is getting everything in some sort of order and then going with it. Right now I have such a whirlwind in my head of ideas that I need to focus a little bit more and trim back some things before I get too overwhelmed. I think that would be a good rule of thumb for anyone. Just do as you can. Its been a bit hard for me too. Running completely out of money to maintain a home with three children, while I am also trying to find a job outside the home, and maintain sanity while it seems like everything is falling apart. I am doing my best to keep it together and never going to give up hope that I will put it all together and make something good of it. I refuse to fail again. So please follow me on Facebook for now till I get going. I would love to hear from others and get support back, as I will do my best to give.
Take care, till then, never goodbye!!