
Monday, February 17, 2014

What was I born to do?

I have tried many jobs. From a gas station clerk, to a Computer Maintenance Management Specialist, to Graphic Designer, a Painter, a Web Designer, and back to "What am I meant to really do?". I have often felt lost in a whirlwind of what I want to be. I know I have a purpose in life, I am 42, and I really want to find that purpose. I don't want to live other peoples ideals of life and wealth, I want to live my own and I want to feel it and be it all on my own.

I have been searching for the tools to help me. Over the years I have struggled. Being a mom has also been a hard challenge. I often felt lost, yet complete with my children, if that makes any sense at all. I love my children, but the simple fact that I have lost myself over the years taking care of them and their needs, doesn't help me to love completely - I have forgotten to take care of me. I will admit I have become resentful of the fact I had been dealt the hand of cards given to me for my life, it hasn't been a pretty life starting out. I thought I had so much more to give and do. I still do. I am not ready to give up and die, not just yet. Although, I have come from the brink of just wanting to do that, but it was being on that ledge that helped me see I want so much more. Life is beautiful outside the doors, just have to take those steps to see it.

I have a plan. And I want to share it with others too. Kind of like a pay it forward, I want to help others so that they too will help others, its not fun being in such a rut in life that each day all you think of is how to even start moving forward in the right direction. I need guidance. I need reassurance I am doing it right. I want to provide a start for me and for others. And I will. I know I was born to share and give, I have also been blessed as an artist and want to use that blessing.

Now, how to use it to bring that feeling I want in life, happiness, accomplishment, love, belonging. I can do this and so can you.

Taking it one day at a time....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Taking a little down time

I have decided that I need to take a little bit of down time, so I am focusing on my Facebook page for now Pour Me A Cup Of Ambition. I will be back once I get the rest of my ducks in a row.  The best idea is getting everything in some sort of order and then going with it.  Right now I have such a whirlwind in my head of ideas that I need to focus a little bit more and trim back some things before I get too overwhelmed.  I think that would be a good rule of thumb for anyone.  Just do as you can.  Its been a bit hard for me too.  Running completely out of money to maintain a home with three children, while I am also trying to find a job outside the home, and maintain sanity while it seems like everything is falling apart.  I am doing my best to keep it together and never going to give up hope that I will put it all together and make something good of it.  I refuse to fail again. So please follow me on Facebook for now till I get going.  I would love to hear from others and get support back, as I will do my best to give. 

Take care, till then, never goodbye!!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just when I think the inspiration can't get any does!

I watched this today on the Today show, check it out.  "Mom of 11 heads back to Harvard". What great inspiration and such ambition to push forward with her dreams.  Have you ever thought of going back to school and felt you were too old or had too much on your plate, well Allyson Reneau will show you that she beat the odds and you can too! In fact, I am going to be starting back to college this coming January 2012 and I am 40.  I am terrified, but excited and ready to do whatever it takes to follow my dreams. If you set your mind to it, you can do anything. I have attached the video below. Amazing, amazing!  This only makes me want to keep going and going.  What holds you back from you dreams? What are your hurdles? What are your dreams? Please leave me a comment, because I would love to hear from you. 

 Video of Allyson Reneau on the Today show, Mother of 11 who went back to college, at Harvard.

Have a wonderful day! May your cup be half full instead of half empty.  Let today be the day you say "I can do it!"

As always, till tomorrow, never goodbye!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting Started....

Wow, today has been a long day so far and its only 3:20pm.  Information overload.  BUT I am going to keep going forward.  As I do and as I find information to help you and I on this journey I will share it.  I want to compile, find, sort out the bad and good, and share it all.  I have found some great inspiration on Twitter by following some great women entrepreneurs like Nika Stewart from LapTopMom, Marie Forleo: Where women entrepreneurs live Rich, Happy, & Hot, and one other that comes to mind with Angela Jia Kim with her successful business Savor the Success.  All of these women have started their businesses with simple ideas that blossomed them into the Phenomenal business women they are today.  They all three had different goals and dreams, but they all had one thing in common, AMBITION.  It is with great hope that I can follow in some big foot steps and become the me I have been looking for. And I hope to also help, encourage, and pay it forward to you.  

JOURNAL NOTEBOOK: The Dreams and Inspirations Book

Start a journal.  When an idea comes to your mind, write it down.  If something catches your eye, capture it in a picture if you have a camera or cell phone to take pictures with. Cut pictures out of magazines, newspapers, or photographs and stick them in the journal.  I use my journal as my Dreams and Inspirations Book.  Put all your ideas in one place and carry it with you.  Keep all your inspirations in one place.  I also have a cork board in my studio that is full of inspiration and little quotes that have been torn out or framed.  Keep your inspiration going by keeping yourself surrounded with constant ideas and constant mental stimulation. Write down your ideas, your dreams, your challenges! I keep mine with me at all times, because you never know when an idea will come to mind.  My journal sits next to my bed with a book light, because sometimes I find myself half asleep, in bed, when some of the good ideas come to me.

Please stick it out with me, there is more to come, I promise it will be worth the time.

Happy dreams, ambitions, and inspiration!
Talk to you real soon, till then, never goodbye...


Ok, I am back. I am back on a mission to succeed....
I have finally had it and I can't take it anymore!!  
I deserve more than this out of life and so I am taking my life back.  
As I sit here in front of my computer typing, I have so many ideas rattling around in my "I should be doing this.." or "Why am I not doing that?" or "I can do that, so why am I not doing it?" And maybe like yourself you beat yourself up for not taking that step. BUT...the fear of rejection and failure rings so loud.  I had a pretty good decorative painting business for several years and then the economy went cur-plunk and thus began the hard times, but I never thought I could keep my creativity then.  So I pursued a career elsewhere, but mind you I also have three children to tend to on a daily basis.  That career I went into was way out of my range of something I felt passionate about, I worked in a la, as a lab assistant and I even tried working in retail at Home Depot - I thought if i was working in paint it would help keep me inspired, na-dah.  Other than the fact that our lab was helping people and I truly loved that idea, that work was killing me inside...after all I am an artist.  I have been doing my art or anything with art for as long as I can remember until those past 5 years. Now after a nervous breakdown that landed me in the hospital, losing my job, losing my house, and nearly losing my marriage...I figure it cannot get any worse and I need to do something now to get myself back again.  
I want to start to journal my journey from today forward.  So that you too will be inspired to follow your dreams and passions.  I have great hopes for me and for YOU.  "We can do it!", is a saying my girlfriend always tells me when I get all down in the dumps.  Her and I brainstorm together with some great ideas, now its just finding the right ones and how to get them going in the right direction.  Let me help you and you help me along this journey.  Are you READY? Follow me on Facebook Pour Me A Cup Of Ambition.  I look forward to meeting any of you that dare to challenge your dreams and passions!  I want to hear from you.  Let me know your hurdles, your fears, your inspirations, and let me get to know YOU.
Take care, till then...never goodbye and always tomorrow...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't let another day pass you by, let today be the first day of a new beginning.

Hello, I am Robin.  I am a forty year old, married, mother of three beautiful kids. I feel that over time of being a parent and taking care of everyone else, I got lost.  It was hard to hold down work and be a mom.  It seems that I did all the running for the kids everyday and then my work would suffer.  Finally...I snapped!  I quit my job and fell into such a deep depression that it put me in the hospital (thankful my friends were there for me, or I might not be here today) - I said ENOUGH.  I needed to fall to such a low to make me realize that there is more to life than this. Its taking some time, but I think I am finally finding me again.  I have found that support through friends and family has helped to make me stronger as a person and has helped to find me, ROBIN... I still exist!

I am hoping this will branch out and reach anyone who has ever felt at a stand still and in need of some support and perhaps, a cup of AMBITION.  Lord only knows I have been there all too often.  I am now reached the 40 mark in my youthful years and things just seem to be passing me by.  Do you ever feel that the world is moving at warp speed around you and you feel like you are stuck in quicksand?  Well I hope I can help be your safety rope to pull you out.  My goals here are to inspire, rev up the engine, and fuel the fire to get you going forward into your dreams, goals, and ambitions.  I know that I am not a lone wolf when it comes to feeling like my cup has not been filled enough with ambition.  We all need some extra fuel to keep the dreams alive and kicking.  My first project will be my bucket list.  And I hope you will share yours too.  How can these dreams be achieved?  What are the obstacles?  What is holding you back? SO here we go...lets dive head first into this and see what we can do together.  I am counting on you to help me out as much as I can help you.  Don't let another day pass you by, let today be the first day of a new beginning.

So welcome and I hope to get to know you and I hope that by sharing my journeys with you that you will be inspired live your life and make new steps to happiness.